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Posted in By Eon Heath 29 comments

The days tormenting,
and nights never ending,
buried in these dungeons,
are my feelings, undying...

crying in silence,
still holding to your essence...
i feel your presence,
through this distance, insane...

cursed in love,
endowed by fate...
an eternity of suffering,
a destiny of pain...

shadows still haunting,
paths, i fear to tread...
wounds, still bleeding,
the past, never fades...


Posted in By Eon Heath 17 comments

Distance too far,
Your voice trails away…
Leaving me no choice,
Just hoping you’ll stay..

Promises unkept,
All along the way,
Resurrect me,
To die another day…

Wrote it back in March '09, these lines were supposed to be completed, but then the one who wished to complete it aint around...i guess some things are just meant to be so...


Posted in By Eon Heath 20 comments

Sound of the silence,
Silence through time,
Waiting for a whisper,
Whisper of your voice...

Waiting for a lifetime,
Lifetime spent for a moment,
Walking in the dark,
Darkness hiding your absence...

Weeping between smiles,
The smile binding my pain,
Longing to close the distance,
Distance turning me insane...

Longing for your touch,
Touch i would never feel again,
Dying with the winter,
Only this winter would come again...

This one, i wrote it more than a year ago, but never posted it, reading it again, i can only feel the irony of life...
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